A new rebate program for energy efficient appliances aimed at encouraging homeowners to get rid of old appliances and replace them with new energy efficient models. This program is a $300 million federal government stimulus plan. You can get a government stimulus incentive rebate of up to $300 by purchasing home appliances with the energy star rating like air conditioners, washer/dryers, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and HVAC units. Each state will have it's own policy on how to implement this program. As of now, Minnesota is expected to offer $100-$200 cash rebates on refrigerators, laundry machines and dishwashers as soon as the plan is approved by the Department of Energy.
Rebates: $100-$200
Clothes Washer-$200
Air Conditioner-To Be Decided
For more specific information read the "Smart Spending: Federal Appliance Rebate Launch" or visit Waters Realty.